Our headteacher briefings take place every half-term.
At each of our briefings we have had heads feeding back on their Ofsted inspections, School Forum updates, LA updates, safeguarding updates, SATS updates in addition to speakers from TSAs, Bradford Behaviour Hub, Bradford Opportunity Area and, of course, information about inspections as it becomes available. We have also had speakers from a variety of organisations such as Ambition School Leadership and Inclusion Expert. All presentations are then sent to all BPIP members.
In 2020-2021 our briefings will take place via Zoom. The dates are listed in the menu on the website. All meetings will begin at 10.00am. Zoom invitations will be emailed to members 2 days before the meeting.
Please click on the + to open the menus for links to the agendas, minutes and the relevant documentation from each meeting.